Dear colleagues, partners, friends!
Creating the Greville Group we tried to use our professional competence and experience in concentrating all efforts on promotion the projects in sectors of the developing economies. The countries with emerging market, to our understanding, need to develop these “target” segments of economy in order to progress and attract investments to these sectors.
The projects that we offer to realization have a social significance and support by the regional governmental bodies, because of need to modernization of their economies on a way of new technologies used for developing the potential of these sectors. The effective implementation of offered projects would help in creation new jobs in different industries and lead to the growth of the life quality.
The high professionalism and really outstanding results in any undertaking are the main references and components of Greville success. We are distinguished by high quality of servicing, constant, and active eventually care of our partners’ interests, high level of profitableness and other expectations from investments.
Supporting each even unexpected initiatives from our employees and partners, the spirit of courage and free start-up, existing among our colleagues, constant self-development gives our colleagues, friends and partners the opportunity to implement intellectual and real investments in group projects and innovations, what considerably rises motivation, common and individual in general responsibility during coming to the solution about important tasks, provides same purposes and makes collaboration process much comfortable and long-termed in general.
Only the best experts are accepted to GREVILLE team, we motivate them, aspire to leadership combining with careful preserving corporate culture, traditions being collected for many long years - that are the main targets and real GREVILLE treasure.
Alexey Vinogradenko
The President, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.